Friday, October 9, 2015

Bubble Solution

OK! Seriously can't get any easier than this.

Bubble Wands
Shallow Dish or Pan
Dish Soap

Combine two squirts of dish soap and enough water to cover the bottoms of your pan. Enjoy!

I found these bubble wands in a 10 cent box at a garage sale.  The little white wand is from a wedding we attended this summer.  Hurray for free!!

Approx Cost: $0.30

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mini Sandbox

 I found these sand toys on clearance last summer at the end of the season for super cheap. We don't have a sandbox and it's a beautiful March spring day so I decided to make one quick.

Bin or large plastic container
Sand toys

Step One: Find some sort of large plastic container to be used as your sandbox. I used the lid from one of those large catering trays. You know the fruit and veggie, or meat and cheese trays that you get at the grocery store for events.  I do wedding coordinating on the side, and this one was leftover from last weekend. You could also use a rectangular storage bin.

Step Two: Fill with sand and toys. I bought several of these at Michael's for $.25, and the large purple shovel in the Target bargain section for $.50.  The sand was from a pile we have in our backyard left over from some relandscaping.

Step Three: Find a nice sunny place outside and play.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Once again a second hand find for $2.  

Little girl loves pushing buttons, and this old school 'old person' phone with jumbo buttons allows for just that. A good disinfecting wipe and we were good to go.

Play Idea:

Teach your children proper telephone manners.


So this breaks my traditional DIY mold, but it's a two dollar toy so it's worth blogging about.

I was at the Goodwill today looking for a few good toys with buttons and came across a little xylophone guessed it...$2!

After getting it home I added an eye hook from a misc. bits and pieces bin in the basement. I then used yarn given to me by my sister-in-law to attach an old cocktail stir stick that I'd had lying around since college (even though I did not drink in college...just used for fancy punch). The octave is not in tune but does a one year old care? Nope.

Viola! A $2.25 toy. (If you want to be liberal about the price)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Egg Shakers

After last Easter I made these simple shakers for my 7 month old. She loved them!

Sturdy Plastic Easter Eggs
Super Glue
Rice, Beans, etc.

Step One: Place a small handful of rice or beans in the bottom of a plastic egg. (Make sure whatever you use is non-toxic and non-cholkable just in case the egg should break)

Step 2: Run a bead of super glue along the latch edge of the egg. Close egg to secure contents. Allow to dry.

Step 3: Repeat steps above with different  items in the eggs to make different sounds.

Step 4: Shake away!